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Chinese Zodiac 2015 Forecasts
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Rooster 2015 Horoscope (1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)
Horoscope ranking: Number 6

2015 Year of Yi Wei, the Rooster zodiac is represented with You Metal. You Metal conflicts with the Tai Sui’s Yi Wood akin to offending the superiors (Fan Shang” 犯上). The Ding Fire in Wei represents Indirect Officer (Pian Guan偏官) for You Metal, while Ji Earth acts as Indirect Resource (Pian Yin偏印) for You Metal. Offending the superiors or trying to get into position of officer is a negative sign, denoting an unfavourable year for Rooster natives. On top of that, the Ding Fire in Tai Sui’s Wei forms Qi Sha 七杀towards You Metal, indicating unfavourable luck cycle as well. Rooster natives will encounter superiors whom are not easy to work with, and therefore pressure will mount. On top of that, Si Earth acts as Indirect Resource (Pian Yin 偏印) to You Metal in the Tai Sui’s Wei position, indicating tendency to take shortcuts this year thus fuelling the unfavourable luck cycle for the native. This year also sees high risks of getting involved in arguments so Rooster natives must guard against their tongue and be careful of what they say, always maintain calm composures and empathize with other people. Also, beware of petty people stabbing one’s back, take one step at a time and develop your career accordingly, avoid ego and temper, be humble, do not take shortcuts as it will mess up your rhythm and increase risks. When good luck is in your path, grab the opportunity and work will present its happier and less stressful side, subsequently fortunes will come by easier too. When there is absence of luck, work shall feel burdensome, and native may feel inadequate and incapable. However, native must strive through, and have faith that there’s always a silver lining in every cloud.

Born in 1957 Ding You Lunar Year: 59 years old
Independent Rooster | Fire element

Persons born in 1957 Ding You Rooster year encounters “Tian Sheng Di Sheng” 天生地生where the Heavenly Stem’s Yi Wood and Ding Fire mutually generates, while the Earthly Branch’s Wei Earth generates You Metal. The 1957 Rooster native has a supporting hand from the Tai Sui, therefore has relatively better luck in career and wealth. Work-wise sees significant developments in place, and ample support and care from superiors. With this strong support in everything you do, the work is half done, and rewards are significant. However, the native sees the presence of Pi Ma 披麻this year therefore, one must pay attention to health conditions of family members, and take extra caution when outdoors to avoid the unexpected. It is also advisable for natives to provide more guidance to their children’s career development as times have changed, as with perspectives and approaches to handling matters. Do not impose too high expectations from the younger generation. Have adequate rest, and avoid overworking as risks of lungs disorder may prevail.

Born in 1969 Ji You Lunar Year: 47 years old
Breaking Dawn Rooster | Earth element

Persons born in 1969 Ji You Rooster year sees “Tian He Di Ke” 天合地克where the Heavenly Stem sees a combination between Yi Wood and Ji Earth, while the Earthly Branch of Wei Earth generates You Metal. For the 1969 Rooster native, Tai Sui conflict in the Earthly Branch is natural, therefore the year’s luck is positively inclined. However, the conflict also means that natives must abide by the law in everything they do, avoid lawsuits at all times, then only fortune will come by, and career will develop accordingly. Otherwise, there are risks of lawsuits and jail mishaps. The priority in 2015 is to mind one’s own business and not project oneself as overexerting and competitive, avoid verbal blunders to prevent verbal disputes. Native also need to avoid these disputes which could lead to loss of wealth. Manage relationships well and be friendly and sincere in your relationships with others. 2015 requires native to caution against household and property matters, prevent robbery and more importantly, prevent getting involved in loan matters and undertaking guarantees. Career will have good development progress, but ensure the other party’s actual capability is verified when engaging in cooperation matters, especially those involving larger sums of money, wheeling dealing on the dinner table is always not as secure and reliable as a formally written contract.

Born in 1981 Xin You Lunar Year: 35 years old
Rooster in the Pen | Wood element

Persons born in 1981 Xin You Rooster year commits “Fan Shang Bu Li” 犯上不利as the Xin Metal conflicts Tai Sui’s Yi Wood in the Heavenly Stem while the Earthly Branch’s Wei Earth generates You Metal. This is considered a less favourable year for 1981 Rooster natives as offending one’s superiors indicates that not being able to get along with the officials in charge. This may involve native’s superiors or departmental heads, offense to officials in power invites trouble to oneself, pay attention to communication skills and maintain good personal relations, especially those with elders. This year one must mind their own business and not break the law. This is so that other people would not be able to hold you ransom which could land the native in serious trouble. Marital relationships require attention this year, increase communication with both sets of parents to avoid their opposition. The Rooster native also sees a year in accumulating wealth. Solid wealth management must be in place to avoid depleting of existing coffers. Do not indulge in alcohol and vice to prevent unnecessary trouble which may bring about great consequences.

Born in 1993 Gui You Lunar Year: 23 years old
Roosting Rooster | Metal element

Persons born in 1993 encounter “Tian Sheng Di Sheng” 天生地生where the Gui Water and Yi Wood mutually generates in the Heavenly Stem, while the Earthly Branch of Wei Earth generates You Metal. The 1993 Rooster native sees the Eating God (Shi Shen 食神) Star exert influence, bringing about relatively good overall luck. This is greatly beneficial for students in their academic achievement and good exam luck. If native are preparing for exams, go all out and take this opportunity to exhibit your talent and skills. For those at work, native will have clarity of the mind and possess great creativity, rendering support and trust from superiors. Mental aspect will be in great shape, and there will be positive relationship prospects with strong peach blossom luck, making it easy for native to get to know friends of the opposite sex. This year sees the presence of Sang Men 丧门and other inauspicious stars. Nonetheless, work and studies will have smooth progress and one should grab this opportunity to rejuvenate and prepare well in order to move progress to a higher level. Native will also experience a colourful social life and you will not be lonely this year.

Born in 2005 Yi You Lunar Year: 11 years old
Rooster Announcing Noon | Water element

Persons born in 2005 Yi You Rooster year sees “Tian Bi Di Sheng” 天比地生where the Heavenly Stem sees both Yi Wood forming Bi Jian 比肩 while the Earthly Branch of Wei Earth generates You Metal. With Bi Jian in the picture, learning will see mounting competition. Meanwhile native will have increased self-consciousness, and may have some sense of disobedience, and tendency to be egoistic and temperamental. Students with good academic background should not be over arrogant and must not engage in petty actions which will be detrimental to native themselves and other people. Pay attention to clothing especially when seasons change occur. Parents must pay attention to children’s living environment, diet and exercise to ensure the child is healthy. Health will improve this year but risks of disease will occur in the autumn winter season. Inspiration will come by and in the absence of distractions, native could experience great academic progress.

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