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Dr Masako Tsuruta Ph.D

The President of International Feng Shui Caltural Association Japan
Committee Member of Malaysia Feng Shui Association
Committee Member of International Feng Shui Masters
Committee Member of World Feng Shui Building Design Association
Managing Director at SSF Consultation Ltd

Feng Shui is a religion?
Being a Feng Shui consultant, I meet different people at different job categories, at different situations, at different parts of the world. However I am often amazed to know that some people still believe that Feng Shui is a religion and belongs to the East. Feng shui is neither a religion or belong to the East. It is a metaphysical practice born in China over six thousand years ago. Feng Shui is universal and can be utilized by anyone who is interested in this ancient practice.

I was born and raised to the traditional Japanese family near Tokyo, Japan. My family ancestors go back to AD 792. My mother’s family produced businessmen and politicians. My fathers’ side produced more scholars, academics and priests. The main shrine at our town used to belong to my family. Most of my family members are still arranged married. When I entered high school, I got bored to follow the typical Japanese education system, to sit still, be suppressive and as a female I have a very little to speak out or show my preferences. I wanted to have a dramatic change in my life, and decided to re-do my high school in Bournemouth, southern England. Over there, one of common questions asked by them was about my religious background. I simply answered that when I marry, I would follow Shinto rituals using Shinto priest, and when I die, I would be buried under Buddhist practices with monks chanting. Hearing my answer, they shook their heads saying, “How could you follow two religions at the same time?” Most of them either belonged to Buddhist, Christian, Islam or Jews. Very few acknowledged themselves as atheists. For Japanese, it is quite common to follow both religion; Buddhist and Shinto, and keep both alters at our houses. I believe that all religions teach us to be good, help ever and hurt never. I treat all religions with respect. Having this kind of attitude help me to audit clients’ requirement.

My clients belong to all kinds of religions, sects, and some are free thinkers or/and atheist. Everyone has their own rights to take their own choices.

Is Feng Shui karmic?
Feng Shui is neither a karmic practice or does deal with rewards or punishments from the past deeds. However, according to some mythological thinking, we were born with happiness and sorrow. This happiness and sorrow comes from our past lives’ good and bad deeds. Naturally if we did good deeds we get good results and vise versa. We all have accumulated good and bad deeds from the past. None of us have either 100% perfect good or bad lives. In Hindu scriptures, accumulating good deeds is like depositing some money at the fixed deposit at the bank. By conducting bad deeds, these fixed deposits money will dramatically decrease. Oppose to this, even you did not have good past lives’ saving, by working meritorious deeds will help to escape from the serious life threatening issues.

Feng Shui can be used to enhance good deeds by implementing it.

Why do we need Feng Shui to enhance our lives?
Heaven luck, Earth Luck, Man Luck (天地人): There is a Chinese proverb saying that everyone’s future is decided on how much we utilize our own three lucks; heaven, man and earth luck. The first one, Heaven luck is our own destiny. There are certain things that happened without our own will or selections; i.e. physical parents, siblings, and children. The second one, Earth Luck is Feng Shui. Our own surroundings; homes, offices and environment must be coordinated with Feng Shui. If one lives in a bad Feng Shui house can bring enormous misfortunes. The third one, Man Luck is our own effort and background. We need to work towards our goals to achieve tasks in our lives using own abilities and characters. All three lucks must be implemented in our lives to achieved good livings during our life sojourn.

Most of us know the destiny and human effort, but not the correct and authentic Feng Shui.

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